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Human genetics

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Physiological Genomics

Five journals with free (or recently extended) online trial periods were recently announced; online content includes full text, figures, and tables. The American Physiological Society has announced free, online access to Physiological Genomics through December 31, 2001; full text and abstracts are available from 1999. The journal is published in conjunction with Stanford University's HighWire...
Research Abstracts from the DOE Genome Contractor-Grantee Workshop IX

Research abstracts from a recent Department of Energy (DOE) genomics workshop are now available online. Researchers presented updates on DOE-funded genome research at this January 2002 workshop. Abstracts can be viewed within topical categories or by author name. Abstracts include title of the talk, author name, and contact information.
Science Magazine: A Gene Map of the Human Genome

The first report of the international research consortium organized to map gene-based sequence tagged site markers is now available on the web as an integrated gene map. The human genome is thought to harbor 50,000 to 100,000 genes, of which about half have been sampled to date in the form of expressed sequence tags. More than 16,000 human genes have been mapped relative to a framework map that...
Science: Human Genome Special Issue

The week of 16 February 2001 scientists published a rough draft of the three billion letters of the human genetic code. Two complete sequences were actually released, one by a consortium of publicly funded laboratories and the other by a private venture, Celera Genomics. To mark this event, Science published the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium and the US National Human Genome...
The Genographic Project

Alright, so you have a few relatives from Poughkeepsie who might be able to trace their ancestry back to a certain part of Sicily. But have you ever considered that all humans might be able to trace their origins back to a group of people residing in Africa some 60,000 years ago? It's quite a thought, and the National Geographic Society (working with a number of partners) has created this site to...

This collection of Web sites about twins and twin biology starts with a short feature from The Straight Dope (1), which explains the phenomenon of superfecundation. Next is a more extensive piece from Scientific American (2), offering an interesting look at the role genetics may play in the chance of having fraternal twins. The following Web site contains a brief MSNBC story on the recent findings...
Understanding Race

As this website opens, users will see a set of overlapping images of different human faces, as a narrator's voice intones: "Race: Are we so different?" It's an intriguing and important question, and one that is addressed through a number of lenses on this site, created by the American Anthropological Association, with funding from the Ford Foundation and the National Science Foundation. As their...
University of California Santa Cruz Human Genome Symposium 2001 Webcast

A live webcast of the public forum, held in conjunction with the University of California - Santa Cruz Human Genome Symposium 2001, was transmitted from Santa Cruz on August 25, 2001. The entire Webcast can be viewed in a variety of formats (RealMedia, Windows Media, QuickTime, Cisco IP/TV, MacTV, or MIM). The purpose of the forum, which included experts in human genetics and biomedical research,...
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