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Action for Happiness

As the Dalai Lama proclaims, "happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." Learn about actions you can take to amplify happiness on the aptly named resource, Action for Happiness. The resource "bring[s] together like-minded people from all walks of life and help[s] them take practical action, drawing on the latest scientific research…from diverse fields including psychology, education, economics, and social innovation." On the Actions page, readers can browse over 50 of these action items, from long-term goals such as "Find your true purpose," to short-term events like "Organise a party in your street." After clicking on an action item, readers will find additional content such as a rationale for that action, steps to success, and a resource list. Those looking for guidance on small "daily actions" they can take may want to download a monthly "Action Calendar" from the Calendars page. On the 10 Keys page, readers can explore the acronym "GREAT DREAM," used to represent "ten keys to happier living:" Giving, Relating, Exercising, Awareness, Trying Out, Direction, Resilience, Emotions, Acceptance, and Meaning. Readers looking for in-person resources may want to explore the Course, Events, and Cafes pages, while educators should check out classroom resources on the School page. Finally, tech-savvy readers can download Action for Happiness's app, with personalized daily content. Of note, the app is designed for UK time zones and may not be as effective elsewhere.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
March 13th, 2020
Date Of Record Creation
March 3rd, 2020 at 9:25am
Date Of Record Release
March 3rd, 2020 at 10:00am
Resource URL Clicks
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