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The History of Phrenology on the Web

Popular in early nineteenth-century Europe (especially in Britain), and later in America, phrenology was the controversial belief that one could determine the character and intellectual traits of a person by examining the shape and contours of the skull ("reading the bumps on your head"). Created and maintained by John van Wyhe of Cambridge University, this site claims to be "the largest and most comprehensive website for the history of phrenology." Contents include the full text of several phrenological works, phrenology images, a brief introduction and timeline, some contemporary criticism, and a critical bibliography. Links to other online texts and related sites are also provided. Despite some poor choices of background and text color that make portions of the site difficult to read, this site is a good resource for historians and general users interested in what its practitioners called, "the only true science of mind."
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
October 29th, 1999
Date Of Record Creation
April 7th, 2003 at 11:43am
Date Of Record Release
April 7th, 2003 at 11:43am
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