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Forgotten Chapters of Boston's Literary History

People may know about Longfellow and Poe, but do they know about the ongoing literary feud between these two sons of New England? They will after perusing this marvelous digital exhibit from the Boston Public Library and the Massachusetts Historical Society, which explores some of the "forgotten chapters" of the Hub's literary history. Designed to complement an in situ exhibit, this collection contains six thematic sections, along with an audio introduction and an interactive map of said literary history. The sections include "The Poet Buried on Boston Common," "Buried Treasure and Turkeys," and "The First Seasons of the Federal Street Theatre." The "Poet" area is quite a find, as it profiles the work of Charles Sprague, a Boston poet of the 19th century who is little-remembered today. The "Buried Treasure" area features rediscovered literary pieces (and some that should have stayed hidden) from the literary magazines published in Boston between 1790 and 1860. One the unearthed gems is "A Winter Walk," which was originally published under the nom de plume Anonymous, but which was later revealed to have been penned by Henry David Thoreau. Lastly, the section titled "Longfellow's Serenity and Poe's Prediction" takes on the literary brouhaha that existed between Longfellow and Poe in the 1830s and 1840s.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
July 27th, 2012
Date Of Record Creation
July 27th, 2012 at 9:01am
Date Of Record Release
July 30th, 2012 at 4:45pm
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