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Airline Meals

Several decades ago, airline meals may have been the main reason that planes carried airline sickness bags, but in the past few years the food has improved by leaps and bounds from an international perspective. As a banner on the homepage declares, this is "the world's first and leading site about nothing but airline food." Amazingly enough, there is a section on the site dedicated to airline catering news and another one where visitors can discuss various issues related to airline food. The real focus of the site are the almost 11,000 images of various airline meals, culled from 439 airlines, taken by a host of contributors. Here visitors may compare the relative merits of recent meals offered by Air India to those offered by Royal Jordanian Airlines. Of course, visitors will definitely want to take a gander at the advertisements of airline food from the past and the behind-the-scenes look of the world of airline catering.
Scout Publication
Date of Scout Publication
November 30th, 1999
Date Of Record Creation
February 4th, 2005 at 8:36am
Date Of Record Release
February 23rd, 2005 at 12:56pm
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