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Institute of Historic Building Conservation

The Institute of Historic Building Conservation is the professional institute that represents conservation professionals in both the public and private sectors throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland. Currently the Institute has over 1300 members, representing 15 different subfields within the profession. The mission of the Institute is "to establish the highest standards of conservation practice to support the effective protection and enhancement of the historic environment." To support this mission, the Institute has created this helpful website containing information about its ongoing activities (such as panel discussions, professional workshops, etc.), job opportunities in the field, and the organization's structure. The site also contains some good research documents, including a recent one dealing with planning, and the historic environment and local conservation agencies throughout the United Kingdom. Perhaps the best aspect of this website is the on-line archive (dating back to 1983) that contains the full-text editions of the Institute's magazine, _Context_.
Scout Publication
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Date of Scout Publication
December 12th, 2003
Date Of Record Creation
December 12th, 2003 at 1:40pm
Date Of Record Release
December 12th, 2003 at 1:40pm
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