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BetterU News

BetterU News is a free online newsletter that offers quality information regarding health and fitness. Providing information for individuals ranging across the fitness spectrum -- from fitness professionals to sedentary people with fitness hopes -- this site provides valuable information that can be used to meet just about every fitness goal. Some of the site's highlights include (but not nearly limited to) information on nutrition; cardiovascular and resistance training; and a fitness library that offers information on exercise, nutrition myths, free weight exercises, and calisthenics. Also, for those interested in paying a small fee, the site provides access to an online certified personal trainer who will design a customized exercise program based upon the information you provide on the online questionnaire. As a certified personal trainer myself, I can attest to the accuracy of the information, and therefore, highly recommend visiting the site, even if you're not interested in signing up for the monthly newsletter.
Archived Scout Publication URL
Scout Publication
Date Issued
Date of Scout Publication
August 16th, 2002
Date Of Record Creation
April 8th, 2003 at 9:25am
Date Of Record Release
April 8th, 2003 at 9:25am
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