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Human evolution


Neandertal DNA

The view of some scientists that modern humans did not descend from the Neandertals gained support when scientists from Munich, Germany analyzed DNA from a Neandertal. A news article from Archeology Online News discusses the recent research and provides links to additional news clips. This site covers one of the top ten scientific breakthroughs of 1997, compiled in the December 19, 1997 issue of ...
Rediscovering Biology: Molecular to Global Perspectives

Getting ahead in the field of biology is important to young scholars, and staying on top of the material is important to their teachers. The Annenberg Media group has created this thirteen part video course for educators, and recently they placed the complete set of videos online here. The programs include interviews with expert scientists, detailed animations that provide a micro-level view of...
The Genographic Project

Alright, so you have a few relatives from Poughkeepsie who might be able to trace their ancestry back to a certain part of Sicily. But have you ever considered that all humans might be able to trace their origins back to a group of people residing in Africa some 60,000 years ago? It's quite a thought, and the National Geographic Society (working with a number of partners) has created this site to...
The Leakey Foundation

The Leakey Foundation is "a member supported organization committed to research related to human origins." This well-designed, interactive website offers a variety of information related to the research interests including information about Recently Funded Projects, Educational Resources, and News and Upcoming Events. One exceptional feature of the website is the Audio Archives that allows...
The Piltdown Plot

Created by Clark University Professors Charles Blinderman and David Joyce, this site explores one of the most famous scientific frauds in history. For almost forty years, Piltdown Man "inhabited a branch of the tree of human evolution, [and was] featured in professional articles and books, in newspaper reports, and even in biology textbooks read by high school students." It was not until 1953 that...
William H. Calvin Books and Articles

The full-text of several books authored by University of Washington professor William H. Calvin are available online. His newest book A Brain for All Seasons (A Scientific American book of the month) is about "what sudden climate flips did to human evolution over the last 2.5 million years." Most of his other books also focus on the subjects of the brain and human evolution. The hyperlinked table...
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