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Philosophy, Ancient


View Resource Ask Philosophers

From time to time, all of us have wondered to ourselves any number of philosophical questions, ranging from "What is love?" to "How can we know what is true?" These are both very compelling questions, and most people probably would like to know a bit more about each one of these queries. Fortunately, the year 2005 saw the launch of this website, whose dictum is "You Ask. Philosophers answer."...
View Resource Diotima: Materials for the Study of Women and Gender in the Ancient World

Edited by Ross Scaife of the University of Kentucky and Suzanne Bonefas of Southwestern University, Diotima "serves as an interdisciplinary resource for anyone interested in patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean and as a forum for collaboration among instructors who teach courses about women and gender in the ancient world." To that end, the two collaborators have placed a number of...
View Resource The Stoic Place

Probably everything you always wanted to know about stoicism but were too stoical to ask is available on this Website. The brainchild of Western Kentucky University philosophy professor, Jan Garrett, the Stoic Place gives a fairly detailed introduction to the ideas of ancient and modern stoics, clearing up some misconceptions along the way -- such as the notion that stoics were supposed to be...