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As their numbers decrease, cineastes and others muse about the future of the newspaper film critic

Ebert returns to the movies,ebert040108.article Meet a Critic: USA Today's Claudia Puig Surveys The Critical Landscape The Nation: James Agee's Review of "It's a Wonderful Life" The Movies Are: Carl Sandburg's Film Reviews and Essays,...
Carriers' Addresses

Along with the plaintive cries of greengrocers, fishmongers, and small waifs calling out "Shine your shoes guv'nor?" in the late 19th century, one might also see a variety of newspaper boys out delivering the paper and hawking it on the streets by means of colorful language and lurid descriptions. One form of expression by these carriers was their annual addresses, which were printed pieces...
Critics, authors and editors concerned over recent moves to eliminate book review sections in nation's newspapers

The folly of downsizing book reviews,1,3962449.story?coll=la-news-comment Battle of the book reviews,0,4948424.story CRITICAL MASS: The blog of the national book critics circle board of directors Salman Rushdie and Stephen...
Democracy at War: Canadian Newspapers and the Second World War

Until quite recently, many organizations (such as libraries and newspapers) kept extensive clipping files, thematically organized, and ready at a minute's notice for use by a columnist, researcher, or those who were just plain curious. One such organization was the Hamilton Spectator, a Canadian newspaper which kept a collection of 144,000 newspaper articles (culled from various Canadian...
Illinois Digital Newspaper Collection: The Daily Illini

The digitization of historically important and interesting newspapers continues apace, and this latest collection is quite a find. The Illinois Digital Newspaper Collection is a project of the History, Philosophy, and Newspaper Library at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library. Their first project is the digitization of select years from the Daily Illini, which is the student...
Newseum: Today's Front Pages

The Newseum, housed in Washington D.C., has an online feature that involves the voluntary participation of hundreds of newspapers around the globe. Each morning, newspapers with the requisite technology, send the front page of their newspaper to the Newseum and get posted online. Many of these front pages are also displayed in the physical museum. Near the top of the "Today's Front Pages" link...
Pew Research Center for the People and the Press: News Audiences Increasingly Politicized

The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press serves as "an independent opinion research group that studies attitudes toward the press, politics and public policy issues." As such, the center frequently release various reports on a host of topics, such as those on public attitudes about the credibility and salience of the news media and in-depth surveys and analyses of the public and...
South Georgia Historic Newspapers Archive

A number of institutions around the United States have been working day and night to digitize regional and small town newspapers from the 19th and 20th centuries. This website presents the fruits of one such project, crafted by the Digital Library of Georgia with funds administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The archive provides access to papers from southern Georgia...
Utah Digital Newspapers

While the Green River Journal and the Murray Eagle may not be newspapers the general public is immediately familiar with, these Utah newspapers provided small communities with local news during their existence, and give contemporary historians a glimpse into the daily activities of people in these areas. Working together, the University of Utah and Brigham Young University have placed digitized...