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Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) -- Reparations


View Resource National Archives and Records Administration: Holocaust-Era Assets: Records and Research

Provided by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) this site offers information on both primary and secondary sources related to the history of assets stolen from Jews and other dispossessed peoples by the Nazi regime and its allies. The primary offering in the first category is an online version of the NARA's recent 1,200-page final edition of its A Finding Aid to Records at the...
View Resource Spoliation of Works of Art during the Holocaust and World War II Period: Progress Report on UK Museums' Provenance Research for the Period 1933-1945

In early 2000, experts in Britain released a list of approximately 350 works of art in British museums with hazy provenances, and which may have been stolen from European Jews and others by the Nazis. Worth millions of dollars, the suspect art includes works by Picasso, Matisse, Miro, Cezanne, and many others. At the National Museum Directors' Conference Spoilation site, users can read the full...