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Hotels -- United States


1850s & 1860s Hotel and Restaurant Menus

The University of Houston has increased its digital offerings in recent years to allow visitors to make their way through everything from home retail pamphlets from the 1920s to copper plate engravings from Theodor de Bry's "Grandes Voyages." This particular collection offers users access to 80 different menus from the 1850s and 1860s. The menus are taken from establishments that were located all...
America's Byways

The Natchez Trace and the Arroyo Seco get a whole lot closer on this engaging website designed to showcase the scenic highways in the United States. The Federal Highway Administration sponsors the site, and it is managed by the National Scenic Byways Online project at Utah State University. The site includes an interactive map of the various byways, and visitors can also read tales from travelers...