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Alaska -- Geography


Alaska and Western Canada Collection

The University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections continues to break new and interesting ground with one of their latest offerings, which happens to focus in on Alaska and the Canadian provinces of Yukon Territory and British Columbia. With extensive archival holdings in both areas, they are certainly well poised to do so, and this particular collection includes visual materials related...
Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys

The mission of the Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys is "to determine the potential of Alaskan land for production of metals, minerals, fuels, and geothermal resources." The homepage features a "Headlines" area that includes mining reports, links to press releases, and a fascinating interactive map of quaternary faults and folds that will be of great interest to geologists....
Alaska's Digital Archive

Many states have begun elaborate and well-funded digital archive projects in order to increase the accessibility of compelling historical materials from their area, and Alaska's very worthwhile effort is the latest to reach us here at the Scout Report. The project is being directed through the leadership of the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, the Consortium Library at the...
Alaska's Digital Archive (Last reviewed in the November 30, 1999 edition of the Scout Report)

There's a great deal of history up north in Alaska, and the Alaska Digital Library has done a lovely job of digitizing a number of items from a variety of area institutions. This project was initiated by the Rasmuson Library at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and the Alaska State Library in Juneau. The initiative has already digitized several thousand images, and many of them are organized...
Meeting of Frontiers

The Library of Congress has a section on its website called the University of Alaska Fairbanks: Maps, which happens to be a digitized collection of maps of Alaska and the polar regions from the Rare Map Collection at the Rasmuson Library. The website is in both Russian and English. The maps range in age from 16th century speculative map making to the era of the gold rush, and provide a good look...
The Colville River Delta Alaska

Professor Emeritus H. Jesse Walker, a geographer at Louisiana State University, spent four decades studying the Colville River delta region in Alaska. Documenting the vast changes in the various landforms in the delta, Professor Walker amassed a cornucopia of material on the area in the form of reports, maps, field notes, tables, graphs, and various publications. The Louisiana Digital Library...