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Wilson, Edward O.


Edward O. Wilson

Edward O. Wilson is a name synonymous with ants, sociobiology, and biodiversity. And it's a name that more often than not appears with a mile-long list of accolades trailing it. The University of Alabama offers a more personable introduction to this celebrated scientist, one of the University's most distinguished alums (1). The next site is the homepage of the Department of Entomology at Harvard's...
NOVA: Lord of the Ants

As a young man growing up in Depression-era Alabama, E.O.Wilson spent a great time outdoors observing everything from butterflies to ants. His fascination with ants grew into a lifelong passion, and amidst his many accomplishments in later life, he would win a Pulitzer Prize for his 1991 work "The Ants". Today Wilson continues to be well-known as a strong advocate for the protection of the...