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BBC Radio 4: More or Less: Behind the Stats

From BBC Radio 4 comes More or Less - a broadcast that aims to offer a "statistical guide to the world and everything else." The show is hosted by Tim Harford and released twice a week. In each episode, Harford discusses the statistics quoted in recent news stories and new research. For example, one recent episode investigates a recent claim from Russia's health ministry that alcohol consumption...
BIOSCI/BIONET Electronic Newsgroup Network for Biology

BIOSCI is a set of Usenet newsgroups and parallel email forums designed to facilitate communication between bioscience professionals. At the heart of the site is a very briefly annotated listing of the over 100 Usenet BIOSCI newsgroups, each with browsable and searchable archives. It also contains searchable and browsable table of contents lists for over 80 subject-specific journals. In addition,...
Cofrin Library: Rate My Source

For librarians and instructors, the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay's Cofrin Library has created this helpful interactive guide designed to help students evaluate potential research sources. This online tool guides students through the CAARP model, asking students questions about the source's Currency, Authority, Accuracy, Relevance, and Purpose via a series of multiple-choice questions. As...
Conducting Research Surveys via Email and the Web

While many visitors to commercial websites may find themselves asked to take part in any number of marketing-type surveys, more and more scholars are attempting to use the web to create well-defined surveys to examine academic questions. This intriguing publication from the RAND Organization (conducted by Matthias Schonlau, Ronald D. Fricker, Jr., and Marc N. Elliott) examines the validity of a...
EurekAlert! - Multimedia Gallery

The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) operates EurekAlert! to provide a website where "universities, medical centers, journals, government agencies, corporations and other organizations engaged in research can bring their news to the media" and to the public. The "Multimedia Gallery" link on the website has audio, video and still images. Typing in "video" in the search...
Harvard Gazette: Science & Health

Aimed at non-specialists, this site offers insight and news on the latest discoveries and advances by Harvard researchers. The site is divided into six sections, covering broad categories: Mind, Body, Society, Earth, Space, and Technology. Each contains several short abstracts which link to the full story in the Harvard University Gazette, as well as some related links. The site may also be...
IBM: Ponder This

Ponder This is a monthly problem that lets ambitious people "match wits with some of the best minds in IBM Research." The problem is usually fairly abstract and requires refined mathematical skills, critical thinking, and patience to solve. Each month a new problem and the solution for the previous month are posted online. Users are encouraged to submit their answers for possible recognition on...
National Undergraduate Research Observatory

The National Undergraduate Research Observatory (NURO) at Northern Arizona University and Lowell Observatory "is a consortium of primarily undergraduate institutions which have joined together to provide hands-on training and research experiences for undergraduate students." While the Key Projects link is under construction, users can find out about past student projects at the Undergraduate...
PLOS Collections: Meta-Research

From the Public Library of Science (PLOS) comes this extensive collection of articles and papers related to meta-research in the field of biology. To put it simply, meta-research is research about research. More specifically, meta-research investigates ways to improve research practices in order to "improve the quality and reliability of scientific research." In this collection, biological...
Portland State University Digital Repository

In recent years, many universities have expanded their digital collections to include the scholarly works and other unique resources that define their institutions. Portland State University's Digital Repository serves this important function by collecting dissertations and theses, faculty scholarship, and student publications. Currently, the faculty collection contains over 250 items, ranging...
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