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Chicago Board Options Exchange Understanding Stock Options

Understanding Stock Options by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) provides a good non-technical introduction to options. It explains the benefits of options, differences between options and stocks, the pricing of options, and it provides some basic options strategies. Fischer Black and Myron Scholes first published their formula for valuing an option in 1973. Robert Merton independently...
Google's IPO

While the boom and bust IPO craze of the nineties has largely been replaced by wary investors and a battlefield of tech startups, possibly the biggest IPO of the millennium is about to take place. Google, the inimitable company that has defined the use of the Internet and transformed its name into a verb, is soon to hit the market. In an amusing test, a search for "Google IPO" on Google itself...
Liberty Street Economics

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has created this rather fine blog to feature insight and analysis from economists working at the intersection of research and Fed policymaking. People working in the fields of public policy, economics, monetary policy, and financial services will find much to enjoy here. Visitors can comment on different posts or follow embedded links that lead to working...