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Historical museums -- Computer network resources


Museum of History & Industry

Founded by a band of historically-minded Seattleites in 1911, the Seattle Historical Society would later go on to create The Museum of History & Industry (MOHAI) in 1952. Since that time, MOHAI has been intimately involved with preserving and interpreting various aspects of Pacific Northwest history for both the curious public and scholars. Their website offers a few very nice highlights of some...
The International Council of Museums

Formed in 1946, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) is a non-governmental organization that maintains formal relations with UNESCO and that is "committed to the conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world's natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible." To that end, the ICOM has developed this website which pays close attention to the...
The State Historical Society of Missouri

The State Historical Society of Missouri was founded in 1898 by the Missouri Press Association. Their mission today is "to collect, preserve, make available, and publish materials that enhance research and support learning opportunities in Missouri studies and the history of the Midwest." On their website, visitors can learn about their collections and research, check out membership information,...