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Human reproduction


Animal Reproduction

This Topic in Depth takes a look at organizations and educational websites concerned with reproduction in humans and other animals. The Society for the Study of Reproduction (SSR) "is an association of scientists and physicians interested in research in reproduction. Some members are engaged in basic or applied research, while others perform clinical practice." The SSR website (1) contains...
Bloodlines: Technology Hits Homes

This is the homepage of a PBS documentary about genetic technologies that was first aired in June 2003. The Web site has many online-only interactive features, including a section called Fact or Fiction. Here users can test their knowledge of reproductive technologies, cloning, legal DNA issues, and other topics. Stem cell research is outlined in one of the parts of Mapping the Future, and ethical...
Frozen Angels

Since the creation of that now celebrated sheep Dolly in Scotland back in 1996, there has been a deluge of talk (and significant scholarly work) about the possibility of creating scientifically engineered humans. This recent documentary from the people at the Independent Lens organization takes a close look at the current research being done in the field of reproductive technology. On the...