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Windows (Computer programs)

Handbooks, manuals, etc. (2)
Software. (17)


WEBster: The Place on the Net to Learn Assembly Language Programming

In contrast to high level languages like C and Java, assembly language programming is more fundamental to computer operation. This site has extensive information about different assembly languages, including Windows, Linux, and DOS. There are online books, titled The Art of Assembly Language Programming, that can be downloaded for each of these platforms. These books are excellent for beginners....
WINNT-L: Windows NT/2000 Discussion List

WINNT-L is an open, unmoderated give-and-take forum relating to Microsoft's Windows NT operating system. (WINNT-L is running on L-Soft's LISTSERV TCP-IP Version 1.8b for Windows NT.) The list will cover both the Workstation and Advanced Server versions.