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Nuclear reactors

Former Soviet Republics (1)


High Flux Reactor Isotope Facility

Located at the Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Tennessee, the High Flux Reactor Isotope Facility (HFIR) produces transuranium isotopes for research, industrial, and medical applications. It is also used for a variety of neutron flux experiments. The HFIR Website gives an informative overview of the science and engineering behind the reactor. Visitors can get acquainted with HFIR's history,...
Three Mile Island: The Inside Story

The Smithsonian National Museum of American History doesn't shy away from the recent historical past, and this recent online exhibit details the events surrounding March 28, 1979. This auspicious date happened to be the day of the worst reported accident at a civilian nuclear power plant, in which half the fuel melted in one of two nuclear reactors on Three Mile Island near Harrisburg,...